Thank you Bookmonger and Discover Our Coast for the review of “Snowbound Stagecoach” by Lenora Whiteman
Bookmonger: ‘Snowbound Stagecoach’ offers tale of pioneer grit

- Jan 6, 2021
This Week’s Book
‘Snowbound Stagecoach’ by Lenora Whiteman
As a born-and-raised Pacific Northwesterner, I confess that as soon as we ring in the New Year, I am looking for signs of spring. My Midwestern kin think I’m crazy since the calendar still shows us plumb in the midst of winter.
I’ll give the season one last nod with this review of “Snowbound Stagecoach” — but I’d advise that you brew yourself a hot beverage, settle down by a crackling fire in the fireplace — and for good measure put a warm, purring cat in your lap before you crack open the pages of this book. Even then, “Snowbound Stagecoach” is so evocative it may give you a case of literary frostbite.
Read the full review here: